cinta hati mummy,
tomorrow is raya qurban, and you're turning 4 months young in 3 days time dear:)
and for the first time tomorrow, mummy and daddy are going to celebrate aidiladha without our family around, without u and your notty kakak :( i'm torn when i made the decision to 'drop' you girls, especially on a raya haji, but i guess that's a sacrifice i have to make?
bagi la chance kat mummy and daddy to spend our 'quality' times together and to catch things up since we both have been really busy these few months :( afterall, it's only going to be 2 nights without mummy (and mymilky) opps dah emotional di sini. hhmm.. ok, afterall it's only for 2 nights k dear? 2 nights out of the hundres nights ive spent sleeping with u and your kakak...(see, im trying to make myself feel better)
i hope both u and kakak will be good girls, sihat walafiat when mummy and daddy are not around. your kakak is a bit feverish currently plus a slight flu. but insyaallah, i believe both of you will be under the good hands of your grandparents :) the time may not be right to leave u girls but im hoping that i can have a holiday without feeling guilty. arrghh but i cant lie to myself that im gonna miss you two girls BIG TIME!
i love you EVA LATHEEFA and to NIA KARLYSSA, u know my love for you is unconditional. hhmm emo la pulak when i should be excited to meet your daddy nun jauh di sana....