i found these pictures in my camera (which i tak sempat upload pun lagi)
and these are the pictures of our tv yg sempat i ambil semenjak pindah
what r u guys doing right now?we missed u terribly :(
i had fun celebrating a simple but full of love mother's day with my loved ones.i even did extra housechores on that day to show hubby this is what he n nia will get from a happy mummy:)hehe. to nia, mummy is so sorry for being extra garang everytime u are extra notty. kalau mummy pukul tapak tangan nia tu, maksudnya mummy taknak nia pegang benda-benda kotor mcm batu, sampah dan mcm2 lg k? kalau mummy jerit bila nia mengamuk taknak pakai pampers, itu sebab mummy nak nia well dressed before u can go n play, k? other than that i think u behave well enough dear :) mummy understands, this is the phase where u want to be adventurous n it's a good sign dear, at least it shows that otak anak mummy ni kreatif berfikir and active, taklah pasif je kan?
on another note, nia dah pandai appreciate baby n suka sebut "bebeh" :) hehe.she also knows how to kiss the baby.i hope u can be a loving n good kakak k??sekarang ni kalau jalan dkt mall or playground or naik turun tangga,mmg nia prefers to walk, so mummy pun terbongkok2 pimpin tgn nia to ensure nia jalan elok2...and i hope in 30 years time we can still hold hands together sambil jalan coz mummy pun maybe tak larat sgt:) love u sayang.
we lost 2 of our lcd tvs, satu letak hall bawah, satu hall atas.the culprit took the remote controls and the bedsheets plus blanket (to cover the tvs).our computers and a laptop are safe. tak sampai sebulan pakai tv tu...n i pity my hubby,he worked hard for the tvs and now, when we are on a tight budget coz semua dah habis untuk move in, the culprit senang2 je masuk n took our belongings, hasil titik peluh kami.
alhamdulillah none of us were at home at that time.this is a gated area which only has one entrance.n still, this is happening.well, to the culprit(s), semoga Allah balas kembali perbuatan anda yang hanya tahu nak bersenang lenang atas kesusahan orang lain. Insya allah doa orang yg teraniaya akan dimakbulkan.and to those who show their concerns,thanks so much for being sincere:) yg anggap benda ni nothing,u will only know how i feel if u were in my shoes.
thank you.