the past few weeks have been really hectic. and due to the busy'ness', the miracle day finally came - i got my red flag on Friday 26th November 2010. Earlier as compared to Nias last time where i got my red flag after 6 months breastfeeding her> which means period came=milk stock hbs.
so on Friday i was feeling a bit confused. should i be happy? or should i be sad coz the 'bonding' session lapsed a lil bit earlier than expected. :( :( :(
during nia's time, my milk stock was moderate and the momentum was a longer. eva's time, my milk stock agak mencurah during my pantang days, so i was quite confident n happy at that time. little did i know that the stock will end up so soon. well, i blame it to my indiscipline, irregular pumping practise due to WORK DEMAND! huh, i dont know whether i should hate my job or not :p
issue susu is very subjective. we tried very hard but at the end of the day, if takde rezeki, memang takkan menjadi. pasrah je lah. sorry, eva latheefa :(
oh by the way, to cheer up a sad monday morning, why not you girls check out fashionistahijab! new collections are in. view them at my facebook album by adding me at-!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
buah hati pengarang jantung

cinta hati mummy,
tomorrow is raya qurban, and you're turning 4 months young in 3 days time dear:)
and for the first time tomorrow, mummy and daddy are going to celebrate aidiladha without our family around, without u and your notty kakak :( i'm torn when i made the decision to 'drop' you girls, especially on a raya haji, but i guess that's a sacrifice i have to make?
bagi la chance kat mummy and daddy to spend our 'quality' times together and to catch things up since we both have been really busy these few months :( afterall, it's only going to be 2 nights without mummy (and mymilky) opps dah emotional di sini. hhmm.. ok, afterall it's only for 2 nights k dear? 2 nights out of the hundres nights ive spent sleeping with u and your kakak...(see, im trying to make myself feel better)
i hope both u and kakak will be good girls, sihat walafiat when mummy and daddy are not around. your kakak is a bit feverish currently plus a slight flu. but insyaallah, i believe both of you will be under the good hands of your grandparents :) the time may not be right to leave u girls but im hoping that i can have a holiday without feeling guilty. arrghh but i cant lie to myself that im gonna miss you two girls BIG TIME!
i love you EVA LATHEEFA and to NIA KARLYSSA, u know my love for you is unconditional. hhmm emo la pulak when i should be excited to meet your daddy nun jauh di sana....
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Dear hijabians,
Due to time constraint i still haven't got the chance to upload the pictures here in my blog. But ive updated my hijab collection :
Theefa Hijab - only 8 pieces left!!
Nia Hijab -RM25 each!
Mikayla Hijab -tie dyed crumple shawl -SOLD OUT within a few hours
Karly Shawly - RM20 each!
and some cute lace inners at a very cheap price!!
please view my albums at my fb by adding me-
regards, evalyssa.
Due to time constraint i still haven't got the chance to upload the pictures here in my blog. But ive updated my hijab collection :
Theefa Hijab - only 8 pieces left!!
Nia Hijab -RM25 each!
Mikayla Hijab -tie dyed crumple shawl -SOLD OUT within a few hours
Karly Shawly - RM20 each!
and some cute lace inners at a very cheap price!!
please view my albums at my fb by adding me-
regards, evalyssa.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
thanks to fairy for this stylish pinky bb cover by kate spade
These are some of my belated birthday -lunchie-dinner treat- by my loved ones. phew, blogspot really test my patience. my 27th birthday was celebrated with full of love :) oopss, but where is si kicik?? :p baby eva, tho u couldnt join the celebration, mummy promise to post an entry full of your pictures. ONLY YOU :p
Friday, November 5, 2010
baby Eva Latheefa's Fairytale aqiqah

This event was held on the 23rd october 2010 and bb eva was about 3 months young at this time :) i wa so glad that my dream to have her aqiqah's theme in rainbow/fairytale came true! it was whimsical and dreamy!! a big thanks to the wedding fairies team!! i'm more than satisfied, if any of you are interested, go visit their blog at they will never fail u :wink::
ALhamdulillah, everything went well, except that bb eva cried the moment they were about to perform the cukur jambul! gelabah la kejap mak dia ni :p nak susu rupanya! so i fed her and she fell asleep, so we had to do the whole thing again :p
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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