look at my purple shoes!

im officially 3 months and 63 cm on 280708

dgn mummy waiting for my turn

boringlah main ka ching ka ching

this is interesting!!

tido without mummy

wif chu chitty

on my way to my 3 months check up

mana daddy :(


tido di kopicat kafe

hey im a gangster k!

tido tapi garang

tangan kaku

tak gerak walau kena kacau pipi


penat lepas exercise

im 6.35 kg n im scared :(

shud i feel guilty for drinking so much milk?

penat lepas shooting wif my daddy

i love eating my mittens nowadays

wif mummy but i merajuk taknak pandang camera

baju tido panjang from granny

before i cried at bubba gump

boring la mummy ni asyik ambik gamba!

waiting to create my 'drama'

i think it's 100% mummy la!

without my fringe i look bulat la

sama tak serupa:P

do i look like him?? :p

i love playing wif tweety

at last i got sleepy

nangis nangis nangis

mummy came home every friday to feed me!!

i love sleeping in the "kendong"

tendang tweety!!yay!!

oops.takut.tweety jeling saya la.

my mummy calls this place as "my school" and those creatures are "my frens"